Ferns are wild plants that can grow anywhere, especially in humid areas. There are many types of ferns, but there are only three types that can be cooked, namely .menir fern,.teja and.urang fern. These three types of ferns usually can be found around river flows. This plant that grows wild is only used as vegetable and not many people cultivate this plant. In fact, this plant is quite promising for increasing income.
Cultivating vegetable ferns is a promising business opportunity, because many people are not interested in cultivating them. The treatment is also very easy, because this plant can vegetate in the grass area and can be planted under the stand.
After the first harvest of this vegetable fern plant, we don’t have to wait in long time to harvest it again, just wait approximately 5 to 6 days, and we can pluck it again. Vegetable ferns have a selling value of Rp. 2,000 for each bundle.